Chapter 14
"Wisdom Study Version"
"Wisdom Study Material"
For "Chapter 14"
of "Expanded Version" of "Chapter 14"
For This Document
"The Four Stages
of Spiritual Development"
Author of Original Version: M. R. Bawa Muhaiyaddeen
(may God be pleased with Him, and with Us)
Author of Expanded Version: Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Ral.)
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1. Greetings - from heart to heart, if you like
of Chapter 14, by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
3. "Text" - of "Outline & Summary Version"
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Go To: Expanded Version - of "Original Version" of Chapter 14 ----------------- Available
by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
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"The Introduction" - to Chapter 14
Greetings - from heart to heart, if we like
Bawa. Bismillahir-Rahmanir-Rahim. In the name of God, the Most Merciful, the Most Compassionate.
Bawa. Al-salam 'alaykum wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. Wa 'alaykum al-salam wa-rahmat Allah wa-barakatuhu kulluhu. May all the peace, the beneficence, and the blessing of God be upon us all. May God help us all.
Bawa. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler).
About Chapter 14 - by Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen, about The True Significance of Chapter 14
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"Outline & Summary Version" - of "Expanded Version" of Chapter 14
"Brief Outline" - of Expanded Version of Chapter 14
1. Does A Baby In the Womb Know Its Parents? - No, it does not. Like "We" living in the "Womb of Truth" within us, do not yet know "Our True Parents" either. That is, "We" don't know the Parents of the grace, the wisdom, and the soul within us, of the Triple Flame of God within us, all of which makes up the Qutb of God within us, which is the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, just waiting to awaken within us, as the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, that is, the Qutb of God within us, which in truth is "Our True Mother" within us, if we like, not anything or anyone on the "outside" of us, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe
2. Sariyai or Shariat - is the First Stage of Spiritual Development, akin to an "Immature Maiden" or the "Kindergarten Lessons" or the "Doing as Others Do", without a true
understanding, that is, without a true understanding of good and bad, through an inner feeling of contrast, that is, without the power from within to come to the correct version oneself, through wisdom, through the "Presence of God" within us, by discriminating between good and bad from within, but rather to come to the correct version only by accepting what is told to us about good and bad from the outside of us, like from the teacher in school
2-1. The Journey From The "Elemental Womb" - within us, to the Kindergarten Classroom on the illusory "outside" of us, where "we" learn our Lessons without a true understanding of them, where we learn to "Do as Others Do", without a true understanding of them
2-2. Explanation of Shariat Continues - Shariat is the first grade. Before a child attains Spiritual puberty, that is, before the awakened wisdom joined as "One with" the liberated soul goes in search of God within us, that is, in search of the Light of wisdom or the Nur Muhammad that God originally placed on the Forehead of Adam (peace be upon Him) within us
3. Kiriyai or Thareekat - is the Second Stage of Spiritual Development, akin to an "Eligible Virgin" looking for a "Good Husband", learning our lessons, but this time not by rote, that is, not by "Doing as Others Do", without any true understanding, as the Shariat
Girl or Immature Maiden of the Elementary Lessons does, in the First Stage of Spiritual Development, but this time learning our lessons with a true understanding of them, that is, with a true understanding of good and bad, having allow God within us to differentiate "Us" into the Mubarakat of God within us, the Rahmat of Allah within us, that is, into the "Wealth of the Three Worlds" within us
3-1. The Journey From The "Womb of Truth" - within us, to "World of Truth" within us, in search of God within us, where "we" learn our Lessons with a true understanding of them, where we learn about good and bad from the "Presence of God" within us, which differentiates all that is within us, into the Mubarakat of Allah, that is, into the wealth of the Three Worlds within us, which is heaven and hell, good and bad, and the Qualities of God within us
3-2. Explanation of Tareekat Continues - Thareekat is comparable to a state of virginity, that is, not looking at anyone else, not speaking with others, not smiling with others, and receiving Only the One who has come with Certitude in God within us.
In this way "We" accepts that the One who has come as the "Lamp of Chastity", will pour oil into "Our" Virgin Lamp. Worshipping God, and keeping Him in "Our" heart, is the "Oiled Lamp" of Thareekat

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"Longer Outline" - of Expanded Version of Chapter 14
Introduction - to Chapter 14
1. Does A Baby In the Womb Know Its Parents? - No, it does not. Like "We" living in the "Womb of Truth" within us, do not yet know "Our True Parents" either. That is, we don't know the Parents of the grace, the wisdom, and the soul within us, of the Triple Flame of God within us, all of which makes up the Qutb of God within us, which is the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, just waiting to awaken within us, as the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, that is, the Qutb of God within us, which in truth is "Our True Mother" within us, if we like, not anything or anyone on the "outside" of us, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe. The Qutb of God within us, just waiting to awaken within us, to the "Gift of God" for our age, to the "Word of God" for our age, to the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, from the "Word of God made flesh" for our age, in order to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us
2. Sariyai or Shariat - is the First Stage of Spiritual Development, akin to an "Immature Maiden" or the "Kindergarten Lessons" or the "Doing as Others Do", without a true understanding, that is, without a true understanding of good and bad, through an inner feeling of contrast, that is, without the power from within to come to the correct version oneself, through wisdom, through the "Presence of God" within us, by discriminating between good and bad from within, but rather to come to the correct version only by accepting what is told to us about good and bad from the outside of us, like from the teacher in school
2-1. The Journey From The "Elemental Womb" - within us, to the Kindergarten Classroom in the illusory "outside" of us, where "we" learn our Lessons without a true understanding of them, where we learn to "Do as Others Do", without a true understanding of them
3. Kiriyai or Thareekat - is the Second Stage of Spiritual Development, akin to an "Eligible Virgin" looking for a "Good Husband", learning our lessons, but this time not by rote, that is, not by "Doing as Others Do", without any true understanding, as the Shariat Girl or Immature Maiden of the Elementary Lessons does, in the First Stage of Spiritual Development, but this time learning our lessons with a true understanding of them, that is, with a true understanding of good and bad, having allow God within us to differentiate "Us" into the Mubarakat of God within us, the Rahmat of Allah within us, that is, into the "Wealth of the Three Worlds" within us, by revealing the Three within the One within us, which is the Triple Flame of God within us, the 6th level of wisdom within us, which is the Qutbiyyat of God within us, which teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, that is, allowing God to differentiate "Us" into the Wealth of the World of souls or awwal within us, the Wealth of this Earth World or dunya within us, and the Wealth of the Next World or Hereafter or akhirah within us, that is, into the World of heaven and hell within us, into the World of good and bad or evil within us, and into the World of the Qualities of God within us, which are the 99 Wilayats or Powers of God within us
3-1. The Journey From The "Womb of Truth" - within us, to "World of Truth" within us, in search of God within us, where "we" learn our Lessons with a true understanding of them, where we learn about good and bad from the "Presence of God" within us, which differentiates all that is within us, into the Mubarakat of Allah, that is, into the wealth of the Three Worlds within us, which is heaven and hell, good and bad, and the Qualities of God within us, all of which is what a child does at the Second stage of Spiritual Development, of Thareekat
3-2. Explanation of Tareekat Continues - Thareekat is comparable to a state of virginity, that is, not looking at anyone else, not speaking with others, not smiling with others, and receiving Only the One who has come with Certitude in God within us.
In this way "We" accepts that the One who has come as the "Lamp of Chastity", will pour oil into "Our" Virgin Lamp. Worshipping God, and keeping Him in "Our" heart, is the "Oiled Lamp" of Thareekat. In this stage of Spiritual Development know as Thareekat "We" trust only One Person, and admits Only Him, to The House of "Our" heart. This is the Proud Behavior of the Spiritual Stage of Thareekat, of the Eligible Virgin

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Text of "Outline & Summary Version" - of Expanded Version of Chapter 14
His Holiness Teaches Us:
One man speaks of sariyai, kiriyai, yogam, and gnanam. Another speaks of shariat, tareekat, haqeekat, and maharifat. They have many meanings. I shall mention some of them.
1. Does A Baby In the Womb Know Its Parents? - No, it does not. Like "We" living in the "Womb of Truth" within us, do not yet know "Our True Parents" either. That is, we don't know the Parents of the grace, the wisdom, and the soul within us, of the Triple Flame of God within us, all of which makes up the Qutb of God within us, which is the wisdom surrounding our soul within us, just waiting to awaken within us, as the 6th level of wisdom within us, the wisdom that teaches, analyzes, and controls everything within us, that is, the Qutb of God within us, which in truth is "Our True Mother" within us, if we like, not anything or anyone on the "outside" of us, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe. The Qutb of God within us, just waiting to awaken within us, to the "Gift of God" for our age, to the "Word of God" for our age, to the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, from the "Word of God made flesh" for our age, in order to do battle with the "Enemy of our soul" within us, which is our current life of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us
Expanded Summary of Topic 1:
Bawa. The "Enemy of the soul" within us, which is our current life on the "outside" of us, all of which is keeping our soul, our 6th pure life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, crucified on the elemental body within us, with the 5 nails of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin, all of which is our current life of "selfishness" and sin on the "outside" of us.
Bawa. All of which is really within us, not on the "outside" of us, as some of My Children still mistakenly believe, because in truth there is nothing on the "outside" of us, everything is within us, and all of which will only come to an end within us, before we die to the flesh, if "We" will only join with God within us, that is, if we will only join with the awakened wisdom within us, so it can liberate our soul within us, from its cross within us, by pulling out these 5 nails of "our desire" within us, of "our desire" to live on the "outside" of us and sin, and then returning our soul to God within us, making our life eternal within us, and making "Us" into a "Slave of God" within us.
Bawa. In this way, "We", or our life of purity within us, which is our 6th life within us, our soul life within us, which is Jesus (peace be upon Him) within us, is now living in the "Womb of Truth" within us, waiting to be born into the "World of Truth" within us, that is, if "we" will only let it, if "we" will only join in partnership with God within us, with our awakened wisdom within us, to realize, understand, accept, and join with the "Truth of us", and with the "Truth of God" within us, letting "Truth surrender to Truth" within us.
Bawa. And in this way, letting "our impure lives" within us, come to an end within us, before we die to the flesh, so "we" don't have to meet them as the "suffering of the grave" within us, all of which are the other 5 lives of the 6 lives within us, the 5 impure elemental lives of earth, fire, air, water, and ether within us. The 5 impure lives within us, living collectively within us as the "Womb of Truth" within us, from the "Perspective" of "God, our soul, and our wisdom" within us, that is, from the "Perspective" of the Triple Flame of God within us, and also living as the "Co-operative Store" within us, put together for profit by the 5 within us, that is, from the "Perspective" of the 5 elemental lives of darkness and evil within us.
Bawa. And in this way, if "we" like, if we truly join in partnership with God within us, that is, if we learn to stand in the "Presence of God" and of "God's Story" within us, as this child has learned to do, letting our awakened wisdom bring these 5 impure lives to an end, both within us and on the "outside" of us, by transforming them back into the state of the 5 Main Angels of God (peace be upon Them) within us, that is, back into the first 5 levels of wisdom within us, that is, of feeling, awareness, intellect, estimate or judgment, and subtle wisdom, which in truth in maturity, that is, as "One", give birth to the 6th level of wisdom within us.
Bawa. Instead of what we are currently doing, which is living in partnership with the 5 within us, in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, and in this way, letting the 5 impure lives within us, falsely define us on the "outside" of us, all of which is "Just Not True", all of which in truth is only for the benefit of the 5 impure lives within us, joined together for profit, not for the benefit of "us", which in truth is the flower and fragrance of the 7 hells within us, which "we" are currently experiencing and living through, as "our life", and as "our story", and "our presence" on the "outside" of us, but all of which, in truth, is "Just Not True".
Bawa. That is, with "us" in our ignorance, and in our arrogance about our ignorance, living a life of "separation and differences" on the illusory "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, as if we are "separate from" each other, and as if we are "separate from" the Creation of God within us, all of which is "Just Not True".
Bawa. And in this way, "We", as the 6th life, the pure soul life within us, living in the "Womb of Truth" within us, do not yet know "Our True Parents" within us, that is, "We" do not yet know "Our True Mother" of "Oneness and Unity", of "Justice and Truth", and of "Compassion and Unity" within us, as the "Ummul Qur'an" or the "Mother of Man's wisdom" within us, as the Three within the One within us, coming Together with our "True Father" within us, as the One within the Three within us, within God within us, to give life to "Us" within God within us, as the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, or the "One within the One" within us, which is the true Secret of God within us, and within this, as the "One", which is the Mystery within the Secret of God within us, if we like.
Bawa. For the Choice to do this or not, is our Choice, not God's, that is, the Choice to use our life in this way, to let God within us tell and bring to Completion the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, and in this way, "separate from" God within us everything that is "separation God" from God within us, so in the end, "No Child Is Left Behind" within us, or not, is our Choice, not God's,
Bawa. That is, for "us" to find and become "One with" the "Gift of God" for our age, with the "Word of God" for our age, with the "Life and Teaching of God" for our age, for the Children of God for our age, which in truth is everyone living in this age, if we like, from the "Word of God made flesh" for our age, which in truth is also everyone living in this age, if we like, in order to give life to "Us" within the "Womb of Truth" within God within us, from where "We" are patiently waiting to emerge into the "World of Truth" within us, and go in search of, find, and then become "Our Parents" within the Creation of God within us, is the reason "We" are here, and in truth is the only reason "We" are here, in this earth world within us. May we all know this now, without the slightest doubt, for if we have doubt, like the Disciple Paul showed us in the age of Jesus (peace be upon Him), over 2000 years ago, if we have doubt, "We are out".
Bawa. For then like Paul, we will invent an alternative and false explanation of the truth that has come into our age, and start to lead everyone to hell within us, that is, to an eternal life within us of "separation from" God within us, as he did
Bawa. And in this way, we must join in partnership with God within us, to begin to truly realize, understand, and accept that in truth our current life on the "outside" of us, is not in truth "Who we are", is not in truth "Where we are", and is not in truth "What is happening to us" in our life. But that in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance we have become the "Co-operative Story" of the 5 elemental lives of darkness and evil within us, all of which is like weeds that have grown and taken over "God's Beautiful Flower Garden" within us, which is the original state of our heart, before the "Fall of Adam" (peace be upon Him) within us.
Bawa. Causing us to "Forget God" within us, and "Fall into many a trap, no longer knowing to Seek Ourselves within Ourselves, although God exists within Man", that is, causingt "Us" to "Forget God" within us, upon coming to this earth world or dunya within us, and starting around the age of 2, causing us to gradually "Turn Away" from the "Presence of God" within us, and the "Story of God" within us, by establishing "our own presence" and "our own story" on the "outside" of us.
Bawa. In this way, growing our mind and desire within us, bringing it to maturity within us, until around the age of 12, when as the "Black Snake", it swollows "us", allowing us to then grow the "4 Destructive Women" within us, which is our elemental body of the 9 openings within us, until around the age of 24, when "we" marry "them", and they begin to rule over us, with "God's Permission", which is our current state, allowing us to then grow the "4 False Guru" within us, which are the 4 pillars of hell within us,until the age of 36, when "we" become them, which is also our current state, all of which is of "Great Value" to God within us, but is "our destrustion" on the "outside" of us, for at this time in our life if we truly "See God and Steady God" within us, and hand all of this to God within us, placing all of our faith and trust in God within us, and only in God within us, leaning to "step back" on the "outside" of us, so God can "Step Forward" within us, as this child has learned to do, then God within us will "Cure Himself of us", of "us" in our current state, of "us" living on the "outside" of us, as if we are "separate from" God within us, all of which is "Just Not True". Amen.
Bawa. Such is the dilemma of the 6th life of purity within us, which in truth is "Us", still resting within the "Womb of Truth" within us, waiting to come out and go in search of "Our True Mother and Father" within us. That is, the "True Mother and Father" within "Us" that "We" do not currently know, but like the baby in the physical womb of his elemental mother, a "True Mother and Father" that "We" can come to know, that is, if "We" will only come out of "Our Womb", out of the "Womb of Truth" that now holds "Us", and join with our wisdom to go in search of Them, which in truth can be found within the Light of our wisdom within us, as within that, as "True Prayer" within us, the "Prayer of the One to the One who Is" within us
Bawa. And doing this, at least starting to do this, in partnership with God within us, by being born into the "World of Truth" within "us", from the "Womb of Truth" within us, before it is too late, that is, before we die to the flesh in our current state, and hell becomes our eternal lot, that is, before "we" as a reflection of the 5 impure lives within us, of the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, that "we" in our ignorance and in our arrogance about our ignorance, have now become "one with", die to the "outside" of us, which is the flesh of us, that is, and then go to the "suffering of the grave" within us, and then off to Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment) within us, and in this way, before "we" die to the flesh in our current state of "separation and differences" on the "outside" of us, and an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us, becomes our eternal reward.
Bawa. That is, if "we" will only join in partnership with God within us to learn How to bring to an end the illusory life within our mind and desire within us, an illusory life on the illusory "outside" of us, that in truth is preventing this birth of the "Child of Light" from within us, from the "Womb of Truth" within us, into the "World of Truth" within us, that is, is preventing "us" from being "Born Again", but this time as a "Child of Light" in the "World of God's Truth" within us, so "We" can then go in search of God within us.
Bawa. For in truth, God exists within us, and like the baby within the elemental womb, who only truly starts to go in search of his parents after he is born into the "outside" of us, "We" will only truly start to go in search of our "True Mother and Father" within us, after "We" are born again within us, but this time when we are born of "Light" of "True Goodness" within us, this time when we are born of everything that is "Within" the Qutb of God within us, which is "God, the Soul, and Goodness", but this time, when we are not born of the darkness and evil within us, when "we" are not born from within the "womb of our mind and desire", as is our current case.
Bawa. And like the elemental baby in the elemental womb within us, "We" will only truly find Them within us, that is, "We" will only truly find "Our Parents of Truth" within us, when "We" truly "Become Them" within us, that is, when "We" truly become "Our Parents of Truth" within us, as "we" have now truly become our "elemental parents" within us, which are the 5 elemental spirits or ruhanies within us, which "we" will certainly meet and recognize as "our true parents" within us, if we die to the flesh in our current state, and go to the "suffering of the grave" within us, ending up in Qiyamah (the Standing Forth; the Day of Judgment), taking on as part of our judgment 105 million rebirths, ending as a worm in hell with only one level of consciousness, or feeling, within us, taking on as part of our judgment, an eternal hell within us of "separation from" God within us, that is, if we don't wise up.
Bawa. That is, if we don't become wise and pass over all of this within us, if we don't wise up before we die to the flesh in our current state, and instead join in partnership with God within us, and are born from the "Womb of Truth" within us into the "World of Truth" within us, and go in search of our "Parents of Truth' within us, and truly find Them within us, by "Us" truly become Them within us, that is, by "Us" becoming "Our Parents of Truth" within the Creation of God within us, by "Us" becoming "The True Mother and Father" of the "Child of Light" within them within us, that is, within the Creation of God within us.
Bawa. That is, when "We" come together again as the Three within the One within us, and the One within the Three within us, but this time, within them within us, within the Creation of God within us, if they like, to give birth to the "Child of Light" within the Creation of God within us, within the "Womb of Truth" within them, for "As we came, So we must return", and "We" came into this earth world as the flow of "God's Grace", to do the "Duty of Grace", and in truth we can only leave, as that same "Grace of God", having completed that duty. Amen.
Bawa. And in this way, and only in this way, completing the Cycle of Man-God/God-Man within us or the Story of the "Oneness of God and True Man" within us, the Story that we have come to this earth world or dunya within us, to join as "One with" God within the Creation of God within us, to Tell, if we like.
Bawa. For the Choice to do this or not is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use our life in this way, or not, is ours, not God's, that is, the Choice to use our life as How God within us, finishes what He has started within us, a very, very long time ago, which is to reveal God to God within us, for the benefit of all of the Creation of God within us, or not, all of which is most certainly our Choice, not God's. Amen.
Bawa. At least this is something to think about a little, My dearest loving brothers and sisters. Yes?
Bawa. My love you (anbu) - Shaikh Muhaiyaddeen (Louie Beutler)
Text of Topic 1:
A babe in the mother's womb does not know its parents. Does it know, as it is born into the world? No, it does not.
Likewise, the babe does not know the good and the bad. It cries when it is hungry. Immediately, the mother carries the baby and feeds it. Ten months later, the baby who was suckled by the mother is fed by the mother's hand.
The baby passes urine excreta. Does it realize that the excreta is repulsive? No. The child meddles with the excreta with its hands and tries to eat it. The parents see it and clean the baby. The child who has seen the mother feed it with her hand, takes many things and puts them into its mouth.
At this stage too, the child cannot differentiate between good and bad. It is the duty of the mother and the father to discard the bad and show the good to the child. Parents indeed show the child the good and the bad and teach it the good and bad languages. They teach the child the relationships of mother, father, uncle, and cousins.
The baby is like a parrot and repeats what is spoken and copies what is done. The baby has little discriminatory power to know where burning fire is bad or good. Both parents show the child certain things outside the home which it sees and learns. Even at this stage the child cannot differentiate the good from the bad.
When the child is three years old, it begins to understand things and to feel intrinsically. He know his mother, father, brother, sister, things that are his and what belongs to others. Feelings like love, greed, and desire are taught to him.
Still, does the child know? Unaware of good and bad, and bad and good, it does things as others do.
The child is sent to school instilling a love for the school at a stage when it does not know good from bad and lacks in feelings. At this stage the child learns to speak some words and can feel desire and affection. He learns music and dance.
Son, when a child's life is like this, is learning a little knowledge at school the way to the kovil (spiritual aloneness), and to the mosque (spiritual devotion), and to all other philosophies (like spiritual clarity and awakening), akin (or similar) to the studies at school? (No).
2. Sariyai or Shariat - is the First Stage of Spiritual Development, akin to an "Immature Maiden" or the "Kindergarten Lessons" or the "Doing as Others Do", without a true understanding, that is, without a true understanding of good and bad, through an inner feeling of contrast, that is, without the power from within to come to the correct version oneself, through wisdom, through the "Presence of God" within us, by discriminating between good and bad from within, but rather to come to the correct version only by accepting what is told to us about good and bad from the outside of us, like from the teacher in school
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"The End"
of The "Outline & Summary Version"
of "Expanded Version"
of "Wisdom Review"
of "Chapter 14",
From The Book "The Pearl of Wisdom"
"Expanded Version" of Chapter 14
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